Saturday, May 2, 2009

it's raining. i look up and the bright moon is peaking out from behind the terribly dark clouds, or they would be if the happy moon wasn't making them so bright. the sky is just crying because he knows how beautiful everything is. i almost cried myself because of how happy i was. how could i blame him? the water splashing into the rest with the lights and the cherubs, the water they spit, the light they spit. whatever you want to call it. this is one of those things i can't even describe in words to make you realize how perfect it was. it's still raining, the rain and the fountain singing together. the grass is wet and goosebumps say hello from my little chicken legs. i'm just standing there, and it's perfect. you have no idea how perfect, i couldn't help but smile perfect, barely able to hold back from crying perfect. i could just say perfect until it sounds stupid kind of perfect. i spy a spider, a tan one glowing on the wet rock of the fountain. i'm smiling and he hugs me, i'm still staring at the spider. i wonder if that spider was as happy as i was. he was alone. i bet he was happy.

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